Sue Richardson_ Lone Tree (The Cooper Cup for Best Pictorial Print).jpg : Hayden Valley, USA Yellowstone Montana Wyoming Idaho winter Richard Hall_The Bathroom (The Ron Harrison Trophy for Best Small Print).jpg : Kolmanskop, Namibia Richard Hall_Lily-Trotter, African Jacana (The Nature Trophy for Best Nature Print and The Society Trophy for Best Print in the Exhibition).jpg : African Jacana, Birds, Chobe Rebecca Nex_Norfolk Reeds (The Hodgson Cup for Best Altered Reality Print).jpg Jane Perryman_Waiting for the rain to stop Canal Basin Sheffield 06-03-19 (The Fred Hague Trophy for Best Print in the Sheffield, its Life and Environs Class).jpg Gerry Sweetman_Fireplace, Bamburgh Castle (The Record Cup for Best Record Print).jpg
Gareth Morgan _ The dying of the light (The Sweetman Trophy for Best Monochrome Print).jpg Erica Oram_Unbalanced Moment (The Dixon Trophy for Best Photojournalism or Action Print).jpg David Atkinson_Lawrence Field at Dawn (The Rose Bowl for Best Beginner's Print).jpg Anne Turner_The Burial finds of a Golden Pharaoh - Tutankhamun (The Constantine Cup for Best Photo Essay).jpg